The latest Nielsen report is out with some cool stats. The average data usage by smartphones in the U.S. is up by 89% compared to last year. Even though its been in the market for less than a year, data usage for Windows Phone has grown from 149 MB to 317 MB per month on average. The increasing no. of apps in the marketplace is surely a big factor for this, and the upcoming Mango update will only help with its increased web features. iOS and Android data usage per user only jumped 5.1% and 10.8% respectively.
"Windows Phone 7 users doubled their usage over the past two quarters, perhaps due to growth in the number of applications available," said Nielson's Don Kellogg.
The effective cost per MB for data consumption has nearly halved in the past year. Whether or not will the carriers be able to sustain these huge jumps in usage is the question.