Well, I'm getting tired of this. Actually I'm not. By 'it' I'm referring to the leak of another Windows Phone handset. This time it's ZTE.
A picture of their latest handset has been found on the weibo account of the General Manager of Mobile Communications, ZTE. The source is as legitimate as a source can be.

Mango season in Asia
A few differences are there between this image and the one displayed at the WorldWide Partners Conference a few weeks ago. The handset has received a coat of paint, this time white. The Windows Phone logo in the front has been replaced by a ZTE logo and a proximity sensor has been spotted beside it. It's too small to be a secondary camera which is expected to be a requirement for future Windows Phone handsets.
Not much else is known. This also appears to be a Japan headed handset. The weibo account has another picture which sort of conforms that the photo above wasn't of a dummy's. I don't know Japanese but I expect it to be the calendar application or possibly ZTE's customization to Windows Phone.
