Friday, July 8, 2011

Adding Third Dimension To Maps In Windows Phone (Developers)

Developers Developers Developers! No it's not Steve Ballmer this time but Tim James over from EMC Consulting who is commanding the attention of Windows Phone Developers. He's provided a detailed tutorial on how to give maps the 3D dimension. The trick is wrapping the map around a sphere allowing the user to swipe around to get the feel of the extra dimension. Tim has provided a complete instruction set in his blog over here.

map globe
From this... ....To this

On similar lines is the application Stars 3D (opens Zune). This app (available in the Market Place) uses a similar ideology, but instead of locations on earth it presents stars in over the earth (a transparent sphere). It has views for constellations, planets and stars and latitude-longitude view. And don't worry if you didn't understand much from the video (below) because a help button is present in the app.

Here's the link to the Stars 3D application video

Source: Wpcentral

By Sameer

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