Monday, July 4, 2011

Windows Phone Developers Free To Share Their Mango

A few days ago Microsoft issued beta bits to the official developers but as per the download agreement weren't allowed to share any information, in the form of code, photographs, videos or screen shots, with anyone or publish them on the net. Well, not until Mango would be officially released.
A Microsoft spokesperson confirmed the agreement (D'oh) saying it was a standard practice to prevent sharing of the pre-release code. The quote going "Permission to publish content, screen shots or comments based on this pre-release code can be obtained from Microsoft on a case-by-case basis.”

Contradicting the previous statement (Woohoo), a few days later, Cliff Simpkins, a Product Manager of Windows Phone, claimed that the action was taken to prevent developers from sharing pre-release code. He also added that developers were free to share screen shots and videos of the new version without having to fear Microsoft's ire.

Will you share your Mangoes with me?

With permission granted, expect to see lots of juicy news on WPsauce!

Source: WinRumors

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