Thursday, July 14, 2011

Official Google+ App for Windows phone coming next week! (Update: Not really)

Google+ is all over the internet right now. I am not one of the guys who are ' thoroughly enjoying the unique social network ' but there are more than 10 million (mostly passive, I guess) users on Google+ who are supposedly having a lot of fun and it supposedly has the potential to give Facebook the fight of it's life. We'll see about that. For a social network to work, Google isn't really the best when it comes to Social networks, availability on multiple platforms is the most important aspect to reach a wider global audience. Facebook launched a Java application this week, which targets millions of 'dumbphones' users who didn't have native application until now. Facebook has set foot on every mobile platform imaginable. To go neck to neck with Facebook, Google launched iOS application this week and now they are planning to release Windows phone 7 application next week.

In a post on Google+ , Official Google Blog posted a status update suggesting possible changed coming next week. One of then in Windows phone 7 app. Surprised?  You shouldn't be because social network is all about reach. It's all about connecting people. You cannot ignore number of  Windows phone 7 users which will consistently grow at a rapid pace in coming months. We'll keep you updated on the availability of the application in the marketplace. With Android phones getting special Google+ treatment in future and Windows phone users getting tighter native Facebook integration in Mango - which phone would you prefer and why? Drop in your thoughts.

Update: Embarrassing mistake. That's what happens when you are half asleep and stuck with dial up like internet connection which makes researching for an article massive PITA, no excuses though - I apologize.. But thanks to Thomas, we know that the above list is not from official Google Plus Blog, in fact it's an unofficial Blog with a Blogger logo as profile pic. What the heck.

p.s - Google is planning to implement a lot of stuff next week based on user feedback. has a list of most upvoted requests, which includes Windows Phone 7 app as well. So it may be coming, but not next week. Maybe or maybe not.

By Rahul Mathur

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