With the whole fuss around Walshed phones and Microsoft only recently approving a fix from the ChevronWP7 team for the people who Walshed their phones to get the NoDo update, there seems to be an early ray of hope. A member of the XDA forum, ahodes , has posted a way to fix Walshed phones or atleast any Walshed Samsung Focus. This isn't the official fix, nor has it been declared safe by the maker himself, but the member claims to have successfully updated his Samsung Focus to NoDO after fixing it. Quoting from his post :
I did some digging and figured out what's gone wrong. Some phones have more than one language installed, but the Chevron updater only installs the language update for the language you choose. When Zune goes to update your phone, it tries to install updates for the rest of the languages to, but fails since the versions on the phone are incorrect. All that needs to be done is install the missing language updates. I have a Samsung Focus that was updated with the US English update. Looking at the log files for the update, it also needed:GermanItalianSpanishFrenchUsing the Chevron updater as a base, I reworked it to install the missing languages. If you're using a Samsung Focus, you can get the exe. I can't promise that nothing horrible will happen, but my phone did update properly to 7392 via Zune after running it.If you have some other phone that uses a different combination of languages, it's just a matter of applying a different set of updates. I'm guessing the phones that work fine only had one language installed to begin with. Definitely no need to reflash the phone!
Chris Walsh commented and said :
So this "may" give you 7392. But this can also cause other issues if you install language packs that aren't supposed to be on your device. So I'd hold off on using this.We would recommend holding off this workaround for the time being, but if any daredevils do try this out, let us know how it goes.
[Source via 1800PocketPC]