Just two months after crossing the 10,000 mark, Windows Phone Marketplace has crossed the 20,000 app mark and is now the fastest growing platform.
Its taken roughly the same time as iOS to reach this milestone. Apple's App Store took 215 days, while Windows Phone Marketplace has taken 219 days, its also far ahead of Android and BlackBerry OS which both took 419 and 684 days respectively. There are over 6100 approved developers and nearly half of the apps are free. Games, Books and Entertainment are the biggest categories at 12% share for the first and 10% for the latter.This shows that Redmond's efforts in engaging developers are definitely paying off. With the Mango SDK already available, 500 new features and Microsoft working to bring Mango to devs before consumers, the reasons to switch to Windows Phones just keep increasing.
[Source via WMPoweruser]