Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hunter, an utterly pointless WP7 game gets a price update - available for just 499.99 $

No. The title isn't a joke. Search the marketplace for a game called ' Hunter ' by a publisher called KHEDENS. You will notice that the application was released for free initially and now it has been updated to a whopping price of 499.99$ ! Not even a trial version is available which is even more ridiculous.

Application description :

This is a game in which you have gone crazy and have to shoot at bears. No reason why, just do it.

Time to keep your WP7 away from your kids or you might just end up with 500 dollars deducted from your account. Is it worth the price ? I don't really know. But if you have 500 dollars spare, do tell me more about it.

Another marketplace nuance I noticed some days back is the availability of several ROM search applications which is definitely illegal. So is Microsoft even monitoring the marketplace carefully ? How can a ROM search application slip the radar ?

h/t @NJDevilNYGuy

By Rahul Mathur

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