There are lists. And then there are lists. Choose any platform and you will find tons of to-do and list apps, but most of them, even the popular, are rigid and bound to one format. DataHub by Kronos Labs is a nifty database and form builder whose ad-free Pro version launched recently. It seems to be the only general database app in the marketplace so far. DataHub uses Dropbox instead of SkyDrive because of API support but the popularity of DropBox will ensures that its not an inhibitor. Its high degree of user customization makes it worth trying out atleast once, especially for organised people (like me).
Inspired by OneNote and a bit by Microsoft Access, DataHub allows users to configure and edit their own structured datasets on their phones. We have a very efficient synchronization system with Dropbox as the storage provider. One feature we are especially proud of is our sharing. Using Dropbox folder sharing, two (or more) users can all edit the same dataset at the same time. If they both edit the same record at the same time, the last user to synchronize gets a great UI showing them all of their changes vs. the other users’. This allows them to select which changes to keep.
Download DataHub Pro here.