TheBeO, a member of the SmartFrance.Info forum has developed, Visual Voicemail, an application for Windows Phone 7 for people who want to add a graphical element to their voicemails. Right now, the app is only available to people with dev access to their phones or those who have chevroned their devices, though it will be coming to marketplace with the Mango update.

The app has just reached version 1.0 status and is development is far from over but the developer has promised to make the WP7 version on par with its Android and iOS counterparts. Its features are :
- Retrieve messages and backup for offline listening
- Playing with Play / Pause
- Management of the slider control playback
- Removal (archiving) the messages
- Deletion of archived messages (thus canceling all, on the phone)
- Updated indicators "read" on the server
- Indication of new messages
- Recall the corresponding
- Send an SMS
- Registration number in contacts
TheBeO has a no. of updates planned and you can view all of them and download the app here.