Bored of the default Windows Marketplace ? Want better sorting options ? Wanna try a different, more visual way to discover apps ? Then, Senova Phone Marketplace is what you are looking for.

Though, Microsoft already has it's own visual search for apps in Bing, it has some limitations. Beginning with the basics, Senova offers search with great filtering options. You can filter trails by release date, average user rating, used rating count, publisher, download rank, price and license. There are two views - grid view (default) and graph view. You can sort the apps by the same parameters with which you can filter them. Coming to the apps themselves, Senova displays the app icons (you can zoom in and out) and shows their basic details when clicked on, but you can't compare any two apps. Built in silverlight, the search engine has pretty transitions whenever you search, rearrange or filter the search results. Keep in mind, its just search. You can't see the screenshots or summary. One place where it completely trumps Bing though is the no. Of apps. While Bing Visual Search only displays the top 3000 apps from marketplace, Senova displays all apps from the categories which have most apps in the top 1000(updated weekly). It's a great tool and you should try it atleast once.
Check it out here.