Friday, April 22, 2011

Gowalla client MacroPod for Windows Phone 7 coming soon, first screenshot published !

We have had considerable knowledge (thanks to constant twitter interaction with the developers) about the third party Gowalla app being under development for a few months now. Developers of the third party gowalla app, MacroPod, tweeted that they are under the final ' tweaking ' stage and will hopefully submit the application to marketplace soon.

Here is a screenshot of the application in action :

You can see more screenshots on their Tumblr.

There is still no official Gowalla app on Windows Phone 7 while it's competitor FourSquare has an official app and solid third party clients. The Official gowalla application for WP7 is still under development, according to their twitter page.

The application looks gorgeous, about time we get Gowalla on WP7!

Img credit : MobiJack's Tumblr

By Rahul Mathur

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