Saturday, April 30, 2011

4Lyrics app does music playback & automatically syncs lyrics with music on your Windows Phone device

I have been waiting for an application that could play music and show me synchronised lyrics on my Windows Phone device. I had this application caled Lyrics which fetched lyrics from some lyrics database online but it wasn't synchronized with music so it wasn't really useful, I could have used web browser instead. 4Lyrics is just what I wanted. It's not just an application which syncs lyrics with music but it also searches for singers, albums, title of the tracks and random reproduction. The music playback is powered by native Zune client so your music plays in the background.

You can also chose to translate lyrics in many of the available languages in the Settings options ( powered by Microsoft translator ). If you think lyrics is broken - you can fix it yourself. I still somehow miss Tune Wiki, iOS app, lyrics sync experience - the Karaoke experience as they call it. Highlights the words as they come out - can't really describe it due to vocabulary limitations but you probably get the idea if you have used it.

The interface is clean and will definitely replace Zune hub as my default music playback destination. The application is available for 0.99 $ - definitely a value for money. Hit the Zune download link.

Zune download link

By Rahul Mathur

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